I knew coming into the academy I would almost certainly be the youngest recruit, and I quickly found out that was the case. Living up to the years of experience my colleagues bring to the table is a daunting task, but I know that there is only one real core expectation from the academy staff; effort…100 percent effort. Always giving your best and then some, no matter if its how many pull ups you can do or if it is studying for our weekly test. We are all in this together, and we support each other no matter what our backgrounds or experience; each day we have grown closer as a class.
This week we continued learning more of the criminal code… particularly crimes against persons and crimes against property (articles 3 and 4 respectively, for those who would like to start studying now for future academies). Director Baca does a fantastic job teaching the criminal code, and each session with him is something we all look forward to. We are really fortunate to have him. Other topics that we worked on this week included biohazard awareness, use of force, and search and seizure. We got to hear firsthand accounts of several officer-involved shootings from Lakewood Police Agents, and are all thankful for their wisdom.
We have also continued on with our physical training regimen. This consists of us being split into five squads and rotating each day between CrossFit, fighting, sprinting/speed, and long distance running. None of this is easy, but we cheer one another on and have some friendly competition which makes it much more entertaining. And after a long day in the classroom, we welcome a chance to get moving.
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