Weeks 3 and 4 - Recruit Ingermann
Wow! Since starting
the academy 4 weeks ago, we have been very busy with many different activities
that are meant to build a solid foundation for our future in Law
Enforcement. The Director has done a
great job teaching us the Colorado Criminal Code and we have received CPR and
IED classes. Some great instructors have
come in to teach us all about Community Policing, Suspect Identification, and
Report Writing, among other subjects.
I’m very thankful for the LEO’s from all the different agencies, who
have taken the time to participate in our learning. We have heard so many great stories about
incidents that have occurred and what the LE community has learned from them. This is clearly a dynamic profession and no
two calls are exactly alike. Our ability
to provide outstanding service depends greatly on our training and professional
conduct in the worst of situations.
The PT has been great.
I have become a big fan of the Crossfit regimen. In week three we did a workout called the
“Burpee Mile”. It was a three person
relay type of workout where one person was running around the track (1/2 way
backward), one person was doing burpees and one was resting. This punishing workout went on for 30 minutes
before we were allowed to stop. My PT
group was also exposed to a workout called “Tire Therapy”, and believe me when
I tell you, this workout was light on the therapy and heavy on the tire. It involved 3, two minutes rounds of flipping
a 400 lb. tire and jumping into the middle and back out. This workout really emphasizes explosive
movements and cardio. Some of our fitter
athletes were able to complete 13-14 reps in two minutes. After I completed this workout I was left
exhausted and bruised and could only complete 11 reps on my best round.
Moving forward we will see regular sessions involving
firearms, arrest control, and officer safety.
I think all of us are ready to get into more hands on training and look
forward to the weeks ahead.
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