Monday, April 22, 2013

Recruit Adams - Weeks 9-12

Everyone said this academy is going to start flying by. Week 2 I did not believe them… Now that I am looking at Week 13, I am a believer. We are starting to get into more skills training and practical’s which is not only making the weeks fly by, but it is also helping tie things together. I can’t speak for everyone, but I know I had moments of feeling like I don’t know at all what I am doing. That feeling is starting to subside as the weeks go on.
Range days seem to be what everyone looks forward to. It is a hard job to be able to shoot guns as part of your work day, but someone has to do it! Every time we go up there, we are learning something new or shooting a new course. The firearm instructors are great, and I can honestly say I have learned something from each of them. On squad A, we had Recruit Finken, Wagner and Cito shoot a perfect score in our qualification series and on squad B, Recruit Lorch is killing it on the steel plates.
We learned building searches and in progress calls these last two weeks as well. We get to practice cuffing and take downs, but more importantly we are learning to use different verbal techniques to deescalate situations. We have already come so far from week 4 and our Ped contact scenarios. Everyone walked away feeling confident in their skills and knowledge. For building searches, we had the opportunity to work with the K-9 units from both Lakewood and Jeffco. For me, building searches was one of the best days of the Academy so far. I felt like a little kid watching those dogs work, it was incredible!
The whole Academy did a workout at Red Rocks this past week. We walked in formation to the amphitheater stairs, and the whole way people were stopping and taking pictures. It was a goose bump kind of a moment, and I sure am proud to be part of it! It was a hard work out but a fun day.
We are through most of the major case crimes lectures for the academy. One of the hardest days was the Crimes Against Children lecture, but the instructors did a terrific job with it! I have so much respect for those three ladies for doing what they do.
Bring on Week 13!
Courage with Wisdom!

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